avocado cake

I love to cook, but I am not a good baker. My son on the other hand is a great judge of my efforts. A kid growing up in NYC has to be a foodie... and so he is. Since he was little I introduced him to different cuisines, and now he will eat pretty much anything. Of course polish dishes especially the ones cooked by mom (not my healthy versions of them ) take a special place in his heart and by far are his favorites.



To please my sweet tooth and my fixation on cutting flour, sugar and general unhealthy products out of our diet I researched the Internet and came across the healthy avocado cheesecake. Don't be fooled by the name... this cake does not taste anything like cheesecake, simply because it doesn't contain any dairy, but if you like avocado you will love it. Not only is it guilt free, it's super healthy. I have substituted a few ingredients and made my own version of it.

Instead of pecans and coco nibs I used sprouted almond and chunks of coconut. I also didn't use honey which the recipy was calling for but xylitol natural sweetener, which doesn't raise blood sugar level.
The best part for me was that you don't have to measure everything like in a regular baking recipes. It's more about tasting, adjusting and finding your own taste .
My son was semi pleased with it. " not bad " , which is pretty good coming from him. I will definitely make this cake again, maybe changing the ingredients and taste a little bit next time to create a new cake. 


almonds ( i used sprouted ) 125g /4 1/2oz

 coconut chunks ( or shredded coconut)  45g / 1 1/2oz

pitted dates (approx. 10)

coconut oil, melted and at room temperature, 2 tablespoons             

4-5 medium avocados

lime juice (about 4-6) I used 100ml / 3 1/2fl oz

coconut oil at room temperature,( i used 3 tbl spoons)  175ml / 6fl oz

1 tsp lime zest

xylitol or stevia, sugar or honey  (I used 100g / 3 1/2oz) if you using stevia use much less. you will have to taste the filling 

Preheat the oven to 150°C/300°F. Place the almonds on a baking-tray lined with baking-paper. Place in the oven for seven to eight minutes or until toasted, add coconut about 3 minutes before the time is up . Transfer almonds and coconuts to a food processor or a blender and add the rest of the base ingredients. Blend until the mixture is crumbly (don’t let it go completely smooth). 

I used  round cake tin 7" - 8" Line the base of the tin with parchment paper  Press the base mixture down firmly and evenly with your finger tips or spatula. Chill the base in the fridge while you preparing the filling. 

Place all of the filling ingredient in a food processor or blender and mix until is smooth and creamy. Add more "sugar" or lime juice if needed. Pour the filling into the tin and refrigerate it for few hours. 



migdaly ( ja uzylam skielkowane) 125g 

kawalki kokosa, lub wiorki kokosowe 45g 

daktyle ( okolo 10)

olej kokosowy nierafinowany w temperaturze pokojowej 2 lyzki

masa ciasta

4-5 dojrzalych awokado

sok z limonek 4-6 okolo 100ml

xylitol, stevia, miod lub inny slodzik naturalny okolo 100g, jezeli uzywasz stevia to uzyj zdecydowanie mniej, najlepiej probowac podczas mieszania

olej kokosowy nierafinowany 175g , ja uzylam okolo 3 lyzek. 

Nagrzej piekarnik do 150C 

Wysyp migdaly na plaska blaszke wylozna papierem do pieczenia i piecz przez okolo 8min albo do momentu kiedy migdaly sa zarumienione. na okolo 3 minuty przed koncem dodaj kokos.  Wsyp migdaly i kokos do blendera , dodaj pozostale skladniki i zmiel na mase - nie za mocno aby pod palcami byly wyczuwalne male grudki , ktore latwo sie kleja.  Wyloz mase na  mala tortownice 17- 20cm wyscielona uprzednio papierem do pieczenia i ugniec mase do spodu tortownicy tak aby byla rownomierna, wsadz do lodowki do czasu zrobienia masy.  W robocie kuchennym lub blenderze, zmiksuj wszystkie skladniki na jedolita, kremowa mase  i wlej na spod tortownicy . Wygladz delikatnie, chlodz przez kilka godzin. Przed podaniem ostrym nozem obrysuj krawedz tortownicy- ulatwi to wyjecie ciasta z formy. Nie polecam przechowywac dluzej niz 2 dni. 

Source: 2015/5/12/avocado-cheesecake